Friday 14 October 2011

Location Location Location

We will use our media classroom to film the short live action section of our childrens film. And we will use the back right hand corner of the classroom to place the cardboard set for the plasticine filming section. 

The wires will be held by a member of our group as another member will use the keyboard to record the stop motion.

We will make the setting ourselves and colour it in using pencils. The plasticine people, cat and tree will also be made by ourselves.

Two boy characters will be made - one for when the boy is not a superhero, and one will be when he has turned into a superhero.

Music will be played throughout the film. The music will be happy and fun as the film is meant for children and the character is doing good for the neighbourhood and making others happy - showing a positive attitude towards helping others to influence children. 

By Megan and Martha

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