Friday 21 October 2011


We only completed the set for our filming 15 minutes before the end of the first lesson of this week, so we filmed for 10 and then packed away. The next lesson we set up the set and filmed as quickly as we could.
We finished filming to the best of our ability with a few problems in during the filming, for example the tree kept falling over with the cat on top, and the old lady didn't seem to be able to stay upright, so we propped her up with a cocktail stick.

When we tried to carry on filming from last lesson, we didn't seem to be able to open our previous filming so we began again, which didn't cause too many problems as we'd barely started filming anyway.

We tried to make the filming as smooth as possible but it's quite difficult as we used stop motion and we were also trying to move plasticine people, however we think it looks as good as it could've done.

by megan and martha and joe waaaaa xxxxx

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