Friday 14 October 2011

CHANGE of idea!!!!!!

We have decided to use our third idea, but we have changed our idea as getting hold of some of the resources may not be possible in the amount of time we have to shoot.

The original third idea was that there is a normal life with a young boy on his own... he then reads a story and the camera zooms into the book which turns into an animated world about the boy in cartoon form.

The idea now consists of an older boy reading a book and the camera will do the same again and zoom into the book. The scene will then change into the animated plasticine world again and we will use stop motion to animate the characters. 
During the story, the boy will transform into a superhero and he will see how good his life would be if he was a superhero. 
The superhero boy can fly, and he lives in a house made of sweets and chocolate. He is good at flying so he saves a cat from the tree outside his house, and the owner of the cat is very thankful. 

The film will not consist of any dialogue except for little speech conversation bubbles, with short punchy sentences. We will use stop motion to put the speech bubbles in. 

The superhero will wear a cape to enhance his ability to fly, he will also wear goggles when he goes to save the cat.

We will use wires to make flying possible for the superhero.

By Megan, Martha and Joe

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