Tuesday 8 November 2011

classification :P

Parental Guidance : Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children.

We have come to the conclusion that our film is a PG due to the use of words that young people may not be able to read. 

Although there is no use of anyting remotely violent for example Drug use, violent behaviour and use of any inappropiate substances. There is no presence of horror either. 
Sex, nudity, bad language and discrimination are examples of what we didn't want in our film.

Films like 'The Incredibles', 'Bug's Life' and ' Monster's Inc' are examples of animation films we wanted our children's film to be based on, a simple storyline and distinguished characters almost straight away.

Meg and Marf


Our first story board after changing our idea ^^^^^^^^^^^

Our second page of story board. 

The story board didn't upload when it was suppoed to, it saved in drafts and we have only recently realised this, so here are our storyboards. 

By Megan and Martha

Overall, we are mildly pleased with our final product. We managed to overcome some of the obstacles we came up against, however some problems could not be fixed.

We now know for next time that we need to take more time to film rather than wasting time beforehand discussing things that are irrelevant, and didn't end up linked to our children's film.

By Megan and Martha XOXOXOXOXOXO

Friday 4 November 2011

Sound FX

After reviewing the sounds more on the CD, we found a heartbeat sound, which we used to add the intensity levels in a certain part of the scene (when SuperBoy flies to save the cat)

Martha then went through GarageBand to search for a backing tune for when things in the scene start to heat up, and she found a more upbeat tune, which really represents what is going on in the scene.

Joe, Megan and Martha. 

Problems that have occurred during the filming process.

Because of our eagerness to complete the sound effects, we have come across a problem. The problem is that we have done the sound and now we want to reduce the length of the end scene as it is too long, and it could get a bit repetitive.
We will deal with this problem however now we know for the future that we need to consider all aspects of the film are finished before beginning to apply sound effects.

megmog, joseff, marfa

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Searching for sound FX

After scanning through the sounds Garage Band had to offer, we found that there were limited effects we were fond of, or that would fit in nicely to our scene. The other alternative we had was to use the sound FX cd in which we were able to find the wind effect used in our piece.

We are still searching for more sounds including a low drum beat, almost like a heart beat to add extra intensity, but we are yet to find this on both the cd and on GarageBand.

Joe and Megan and Martha

Friday 21 October 2011


We only completed the set for our filming 15 minutes before the end of the first lesson of this week, so we filmed for 10 and then packed away. The next lesson we set up the set and filmed as quickly as we could.
We finished filming to the best of our ability with a few problems in during the filming, for example the tree kept falling over with the cat on top, and the old lady didn't seem to be able to stay upright, so we propped her up with a cocktail stick.

When we tried to carry on filming from last lesson, we didn't seem to be able to open our previous filming so we began again, which didn't cause too many problems as we'd barely started filming anyway.

We tried to make the filming as smooth as possible but it's quite difficult as we used stop motion and we were also trying to move plasticine people, however we think it looks as good as it could've done.

by megan and martha and joe waaaaa xxxxx

Friday 14 October 2011

Location Location Location

We will use our media classroom to film the short live action section of our childrens film. And we will use the back right hand corner of the classroom to place the cardboard set for the plasticine filming section. 

The wires will be held by a member of our group as another member will use the keyboard to record the stop motion.

We will make the setting ourselves and colour it in using pencils. The plasticine people, cat and tree will also be made by ourselves.

Two boy characters will be made - one for when the boy is not a superhero, and one will be when he has turned into a superhero.

Music will be played throughout the film. The music will be happy and fun as the film is meant for children and the character is doing good for the neighbourhood and making others happy - showing a positive attitude towards helping others to influence children. 

By Megan and Martha

CHANGE of idea!!!!!!

We have decided to use our third idea, but we have changed our idea as getting hold of some of the resources may not be possible in the amount of time we have to shoot.

The original third idea was that there is a normal life with a young boy on his own... he then reads a story and the camera zooms into the book which turns into an animated world about the boy in cartoon form.

The idea now consists of an older boy reading a book and the camera will do the same again and zoom into the book. The scene will then change into the animated plasticine world again and we will use stop motion to animate the characters. 
During the story, the boy will transform into a superhero and he will see how good his life would be if he was a superhero. 
The superhero boy can fly, and he lives in a house made of sweets and chocolate. He is good at flying so he saves a cat from the tree outside his house, and the owner of the cat is very thankful. 

The film will not consist of any dialogue except for little speech conversation bubbles, with short punchy sentences. We will use stop motion to put the speech bubbles in. 

The superhero will wear a cape to enhance his ability to fly, he will also wear goggles when he goes to save the cat.

We will use wires to make flying possible for the superhero.

By Megan, Martha and Joe

Wednesday 12 October 2011

The type of film we want!!!

We like openings to children's films that use plasticine figures and cardboard backgrounds.

1st idea: We think that an idea with a child figure being scared of a ladybird would be a nice idea as it could relate to real life, and then at the end the ladybird is nice.

2nd idea: Fairytale princess with a hat, wind is strong, knocks hat off - she turns into a tramp, then a prince for a far away land finds her hat and rides to her on a sheep and gives her back her princess life.

3rd idea: normal life a person on their own .... read a story zooms into book into animated world about the boy in cartoon form.

By Megan, Martha and Joe

Tuesday 11 October 2011


We like this sort of film!!!
By Megan and Claudia

U and PG ratingz

U ratingIt is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a ‘U’ film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. ‘U’ films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.
It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a ‘U’ film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. ‘U’ films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror If a work is particularly suitable for a pre-school child to view alone, this will be indicated in the Consumer Advice. If a work is particularly suitable for a pre-school child to view alone, this will be indicated in the Consumer Advice.

PG ratingUnaccompanied children of any age may watch. A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children.

We will most likely create a PG opening to a film, exciting 2k11 ! ! ! ! !

The guidelines of a PG film are - 


Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of or in an educational or historical context.  Discrimination by a character with which children can readily identify is unlikely to be acceptable.


References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must be innocuous or carry a suitable anti-drug message.


Frightening sequences should not be prolonged or intense. Fantasy settings may be a mitigating factor.

Imitable behaviour

No detail of potentially dangerous behaviour which young children are likely to copy. No glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons.


Mild bad language only.


Natural nudity, with no sexual context.


Sexual activity may be implied, but should be discreet and infrequent. Mild sex references and innuendo only.


Where more serious issues are featured (for example, domestic violence) nothing in their treatment should condone unacceptable behaviour.


Moderate violence, without detail, may be allowed, if justified by its context (for example, history, comedy or fantasy).

By Megan, Claudia, Martha and Joseph.


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